Objectivity, Insight and Advice for Goal-Oriented Planning
High Net Worth Families, Business Professionals and Business Owners contend with a dilemma: They can't create more hours in the day. As a result, their personal financial matters often go unattended. If this describes your life - and the state of your financial life - then perhaps we can help.

OPP, Inc. is committed to the comprehensive wealth management needs of clients.

We are research-based, not sales-based. We understand that financial products are merely components in a strategy, not strategies or solutions in themselves.

We employ a strategic, interdisciplinary process to wealth management. We look at the entirety of your finances and your risks - your portfolio, your taxes, your insurance, your estate planning strategy, even your real estate and business holdings - and create a plan to help keep you on track and measure your progress toward your financial goals.

Perhaps it is time to delegate wealth management to a firm with experienced investment and insurance professionals who can help you meet your wealth management needs.






Wealth Management

Risk Management

Retirement Planning




Robert Johnson III

Robert Johnson

Daniel Liebers

Henry Swan

Jeanine Rodriguez

Kelley Palmer